God-filled. † I design merch for screamo bands and tweet about college football. A @CowboyFB guy.

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Here’s a cool new thing: an concept. J hope we get some more news (and a trailer pls) on this project soon. I apologize for the person I’ll be when this is all out. 🥲

also let’s work together pls

thanks again for the latest tutorial :)

3 15

A concept I came up with using the new halftone diffusion effect, brought to us by !! In love with this effect :)

2 18

Here are my contributions to the brand new “Iridescent” preorders! Thanks so much to for being willing to work with me and give me a chance to grow as a designer. So proud of all involved!!

3 22

hello! Here are some just-for-fun pieces I’ve made :) I’m blakerdavison on IG!

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