Richard Friendさんのプロフィール画像

Richard Friendさんのイラストまとめ


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For people digging the Steampunk post. Today I'll be doing a nice long video for YouTube on Steampunk as we creep up to 20k subs there. So Steampunk Saturday will continue! Be there or Absinthe will get ahold of ye'

9 81 Super Fun Sunday LIVE today continuing our journey through Wildstorm with a focus today on color. How were color guides made, translated. I have access to some amazing stuff today. Kelsey will be our Willy Wonka taking us through this magical land.

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Wild Cats Wednesday. If you missed my video yesterday on the CATs head to my YouTube channel and check it. These are pieces from Vol 2 with Travis and myself doing the line art.

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Jack Kirby fans. I was wondering. I really love Jack's work on Captain Victory. What are some of your favorite issues or runs Jack did? Is CV considered good stuff from Jack? I rarely hear it mentioned.

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Thought this was interesting. My style overall has stayed fairly consistent in terms of vibe. Kind of funny. I always believe your style and "look" is in you already and grows in skill. Voodoo is very old, Everquest is maybe a year later. Blasterkid is a few weeks ago

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I found the piece.Voodoo I wasn't even penciling at this point. I'd drawn just a few comic drawings. I threw in a Everquest piece too. I penciled and Jim inked! Maybe from a year later. I can't remember. You can see my style overall has stayed consistent. Kinda Mignola-esque

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My favorite arm muscle is the Brachioradialis. I'm tried of not knowing your name little buddy. Honorable mention to Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus. We'll be tight one day too but right now your name is too long to remember!

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Don't forget today live at 10:30 am (PST) Super Fun Suday. With Today is a Kelsey pick altough I am providing the images.Capcom! I have both of the original Design I and II prepped. What are your thoughts on the UdonCapcom books? This Darkstalkers book is nice

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