✨flare | going insane abt dragon ageさんのプロフィール画像

✨flare | going insane abt dragon ageさんのイラストまとめ

Flare | 25 | they/she | 🇳🇱 | digital artist
🌟 oc / pokemon / video games
🌟 i yell abt my hyperfixations a lot

フォロー数:402 フォロワー数:131

bonus alt bc purple is my 2nd go-to color (so now they're just All Purple)

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oceptember 21 - memes

hey y'all remember the draw ur oc meme trend. turns out i have a whole bunch of those saved to my pc so. here i go

this is really dumb BUT it was fun so i might do more fsdklhs

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thanks for the thread! im flare and my oc's are my life fsdklh

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+ their normal colors for reference lmao
dominic's color scheme is pretty monotone so fitting it to micah's design was kinda hard kflshd

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OCeptember 19 - palette/personality swap

started w just being like 'hey what if i swapped dominic and micah's colors' and then automatically swapped their personalities too so. both
this is really weird to look at for me hdfsklhd

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OCeptember 18 - getting hurt

rinji has the horrible habit to run in w/o thinking and get hurt bc of it. fortunately zephyr is a good healer. (coldin is just Tired bc he's just. constantly worrying abt him lfkdhs)

(the anatomy is wack but h im done)

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found a song that made me sad so i doodled my oc's sad (+ figuring out how to draw tears again bc ive been struggling)

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oh yeah bonus alt color bc i couldnt really decide

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OCeptember 11 & 12: casual setting / formal setting

idk jack shit abt formal clothing so i just kinda went with what they wore when i made them in sims lmao

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i saw this corruption arc thing floating around and its exactly my thing so i had to doodle smthng

drawing zephyr like this was kinda weird klsdfhsd but its basically a 'what if they went down mason's path'

(might do more of these w other oc's lmao its fun)

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