

I'm a Bleach Fan⚔❤

フォロー数:2134 フォロワー数:5175

more story from Bleach universe 🔥🔥🔥
Burn the witch anime and manga (season 1) was amazing
we're ready for buying it 🔥🔥🔥

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congratulation tite kubo sensei !!!
your new work is amazing and we're ready for the next season 💖👌


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some important facts that you must know about Bleach filler arcs ✅

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⚔🔥 we are ready for return of our king 🔥⚔

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bleach filler arcs >>> canon arcs in some other animes

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For the Bleach anime's final arc time slot, there has been no official announcement. But in the "Klub Outside" Q&A, Tite Kubo said that the Thousand Year Blood War will air at midnight, so as not to have censorship 👌🔥🔥🔥

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