

dharma-visheSha-prasUtAd dravya-guNa-karma-sAmAnya-visheSha-samavAyAnAM padArthAnAM sAdharmya-vaidharmAbhyAM tattvaj~nAnAn niHshreyasaM ||

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A Khmer image of the god viShNu atop the god tArkShyo ariShTanemi in the midst of battle with the dAnava-s

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A similar loop is seen in the nasal passage of the extinct hadrosaurian dinosaur Corythosaurus. More complex loops are seen in Lambeosaurus. These were likely used both in the extinct African bovids &these dinosaurs to produce low frequency noises that travel over long distances

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The reduced sinuses but extraordinarily convoluted nasal passage of the extinct ankylosaurian dinosaur Euoplocephalus

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rudra and gaNesha: pratIhAra; Rajasthan. The lions suggest there were probably other figures like rudrANI

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