

hanging out on @bluwebloom now

フォロー数:713 フォロワー数:4162

Little zoom on the faces bc I’m really proud of them😭

1 35

Hey my icon is up for dreams discord contests so if you could go over and drop a vote that would be super awesome cool crazy

197 1872

Little guy alert‼️‼️

312 3814

I love shading hair so much Oh my God it’s so therapeutic just making little wispy shapes until it looks right(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

5 161

Omg hit tweet follow me I draw gnf and others

1 165

HEY YOU!!*\(^o^)/*

I’m 300 away from 5k so I’m proposing a follow bet🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ if I hit 5k by the end of this month everyone who replies below can request an accessory and I’ll draw all of you as blobs to go on a big new years drawing!!!

👇here’s some examples of my art👇

83 427