

Artist | She/Her | #anitwt | #vnctwt | multifandom | oc artist | priv : @Vani_txs

フォロー数:872 フォロワー数:1781

This is the most cursed edit I did

5 93

This is the most prettiest tbhk cover

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Iil doodle as a thank you thing for the last episode

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This is Zen. He’s is 21 years old. He’s an only child. Is of course Kami’s bf. He use to be part of a biker gang in his youth years. As much goes he owns a guitar but he never plays it since he doesn’t know how to play it.

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Her name is kami. She is 19. She has two younger siblings. Also has a lover. She enjoys reading manga and just a normal anime fan in general. She likes anything cute related

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2. Next is her brother Mal

He is the older brother of emillie. Is also demon/human. His demon age is 125. While his human age is 21. As i said previous he was born in the 18th century. And then he was also stuck in the modern time with his sister. But he’s obviously is not fond-

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1. Emillie

She is a demon/human. She enjoys eating any kinds of sweets. Her demon age is 100 while her human age is 19. She was born in the 18th century but then this whole demon power came in. And now she lives in the modern time

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