

she/her || 20+ || rts art a lot || speak to empty air a lot || check my art account 👉 @blopblipart

フォロー数:1345 フォロワー数:208

sender sepertinya minta dikudas nih....

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1 hour till exam anyways i made my mind to post this here

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i've made the official "i am a venti haver now" fanart

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First Anime: Corpse Party (but to be fair, i watched jigoku shoujo when i was in elementary but i dont remember anything)
Last Anime: The Promised Neverland
Best Anime: Houseki no Kuni
Worst Anime: idk..probably either boku no pico, yaribu, or pupa. only watched pupa tho

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mari kita baca komik genshin karena gua benci tugas

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im out of primos but venti come home pls :"

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joining the train, here's my ult boi chongyun

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liddol doodle of my dragon raja character 🥺

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a smol sketch bcs im super bored

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