seoha truly cares a lot about doyoon. the reason why he stepped on that guy was because he talked shit about doyoon (seoha couldnt hear what he actually said but seoha knew he was bullshitting by looking at doyoon's expression)
sunhee was surprised when she saw the band's vocalist wasnt jaehyun because she really thought it'd be jaehyun👀 so then she tried to find jaehyun and!! look at that cute smile on her face after she found out that jaehyun is the drummer? she even said it suits him👀
this was when jaehyun started to kinda also avoid sunhee after what she said to him sjdjdjdjdj and that made sunhee feel irritated lol how the tables have turned😭
ah yes the hardest moment for jaehyun🥹 sunhee started to avoid jaehyun after that public confession; the same thing sunhee did to jaemin back in bomi's flower.
even when she kept running away from him, look at how she flinched when jaehyun called him "sunhee-ya" 🫠