

フォロー数:435 フォロワー数:2091

dunking on Stemot is always welcome tho

0 4

going back to prevent your conception

0 70

I haven't taken art classes since I was a kid. I just make things up as I go and eventually I realize "huh I guess I kinda got better".
(2020 vs 2021)

1 2

Just realized we're gonna have douches claiming this was a bad scene all over the internet now

11 78

1 year ago Zack Snyder blew our fucking minds with one of the greatest Comic Book Movies scenes ever

19 64

The design team for Ben Affleck's Batman movie was like "What if the MCU made a Batman movie"?

13 158

still love the movie tho but I really don't like scenes like this

I have no problem with Batman killing but if you're going to have a Batman who keeps a no-kill rule they should value all the lives of criminals they're fighting.

0 6

yeah we do
the mutant gang at the end of the film doesn't look dead to me

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