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Happy 25th Anniversary to Have had the pleasure of meeting some of the cast at cons and so many good memories!

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It's Friday and no new episode of quote D-O from ...sad 🙁 Might be time for a rewatch 😉

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Just finished watching the latest episode of and I want more!!! Keeps getting better and better and it started off AMAZING!!!

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First thing I watched on was and feel in love with Yeah, yeah I know it's not Yoda since he is dead...just look at the cuteness!!

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Checking out some of the submissions for the that organized and really enjoying them!! Home tomorrow and will be checking out more. Congrats to all of the amazing artists in this fandom!!!!

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Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas Tree!

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Random tweet...switched my wallpaper on my phone...current one on the left and lockscreen on the right. My two favs and

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