

フォロー数:405 フォロワー数:949

Would anyone be interested in commissioning me for panels ? Like the base panels (no chibi) would be $6 and w/ chibi it would be $12 ?
(the chibis in my panels are made by the one and only <3)

10 44

im excited to see your new designs !

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*heavy breathing*

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my king why are you showing these

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OMGONGOMGHEIFB UR SO CUUTE WTHH;;;; your design is absolutely adorbs

0 4

Hey Zeru^^ I wish you luck on your new journey and I hope everything goes well with your life!!! You are one of the inspirations in my mine so I will hold you close near my heart :D We'll miss you, but we will miss you in a way where it will be ended on good terms^^

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