

Hola! I'm an easy going dork that loves to draw stuff. Also the creator of Light within Shadow on webtoon canvas!

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Sirocco wasn't expecting some swole arms to make an appearance in this update LOL.

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Today's teaser LWS panel!
It's almost Friday ahhh I'm nervous hahaha.

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Afternoon ya'll! Well, LWS returns this Friday! Got a lot of fun stuff in store! I'm super excited haha! I'll be posting a new panel every day till Friday!

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I've joined forces with other awesome canvas artists in this fun scavenger hunt! Be sure to follow the link for more info on this giveaway and maybe win yourself this amazing prize pack!

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I'll give you one lol. Funny enough I just drew this today to feel out the mood of a panel that's coming in this season.

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Congrats on almost 3k bro! If you have beef still and want to, I'll throw a Lucien at you!

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Hola! I go by Blu and I'm the creator of "Light within Shadow", an action/fantasy comic with gods, elemental powers and monsters, some are even giant sized! Also, some romance,horror and comedy thrown in cause why not!

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I'm sure I missed a few but here's some expressions I really like lol. One is from a later page!

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Made a lot of good progress today on page 30 lol!

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Oh, oh, oh!! I have lots of those! Some glow lol!

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