

awkward blushing

フォロー数:58 フォロワー数:36

It’s my most favorites of Pokémon, and its a normal type too I guess, so here is Dunsparce!!#Pokemon

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Watching my Fiance play Pikmin 2
good times

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Oh jeez! That means so much to me! I look up to your art, your style has inspired me for so long! Thank you ❤

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It is my final boi for the cast of , the one and only Lee Bronne. Hope you all like the drawings, and Just want to let you know you are such a good source of creativity for me! Loved the new episode, glad you are back!!

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Here is yet another crewmember, Crispin Ascalon! And with that I am pretty sure there is only one more PC I have left to draw... this has been super fun!

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Its another drawing, this time its the monk Lolani Arbor!
Someone who was too good for the rowdy boyz, if only there was someone with her sense of morals and good judgement...

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Next in the line up of boyz is someone who will always be the number one champ in my heart, its Rainbow Pegasus!
Might have to come back to this drawing later, but next I'll be drawing the *spoilers* lost crew members *sadface*

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The next one in the cast for is the new druid, 's Pia! This lady is more my style, definitely...
Hope you like it!

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Its the Biggest Boy in the gang, !
Had a lot of fun drawing this orc man, Hope you like it!

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