Bee // on tumblr with the same usernameさんのプロフィール画像

Bee // on tumblr with the same usernameさんのイラストまとめ

Sometimes I tweet art.
For inquiries, contact me at [email protected] personal commission slots are currently CLOSED

フォロー数:214 フォロワー数:16699

[commission] A goblin detective for a Noir-style campaign I finished recently!

90 532

[commission] Part 1 of a commission, this is Lena!

53 392

Ah, yes, these fanarts are totally raunchy and against community guidelines, tumblr.

33 279

More work in progress shots from the big commission, here's a small glimpse at the paladin:

21 270

[commission] Character busts for a D&D group!

69 473

Shoutout to the necklace details that no one probably notices in the full piece.

3 57