

bo | 29 | does character designs, worldbuilding, music
| mostly just posts ttrpg stuff and shitposts | pfp by @Memyou_Art

フォロー数:322 フォロワー数:160

i tried drawing a horrid awful creature in mspaint but i kinda like this fella

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for the time being here's a revised version of that animated sprite from earlier this week, to show where i'm at now with the stuff
main reason for changing it was the perspective was all off, but also it allowed me to build upon the previous animation work

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had a go at reworking tephra's design and auhhhhhh yes this version of tephra i like very much

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mspaint concept art of AVATAR, an npc who serves as a guide to the player at various points in the game, including for the tutorial

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well i guess i am going the "fully detailed sprites" route with this game after all

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turned the Xibalba sketch from the previous post into a full drawing

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and a shitpost too because why not
also featuring the Wolf Queen of Kyoutai, a historical figure from my pf campaign, as "other girls"

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for the sake of completing the reference here they both are (blue/white yekaterina is canon btw his name is konstantin)

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yekaterina doing funny subway man pose because i felt obligated to draw it at some point

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