

A Pokémon artist

Do not reuse my art without consent!

❤️ @ImSamyed

Icon by Shyblacksheep!

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:6811
# pmd

Throwback Thursday time :>

4 years ago, (Almost), about 26th March 2017, I drew this Sylveon Glaceon eeveelution picture thingy :v Man I was not very good with drawing quadrupeds back then, and my art was very glowy and over the top, but I still enjoyed this :>

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My art trade with with one of her members of the Skitty Squad, Skoot! The more serious lookin' Skitty that always has that wheat thing in their mouth :v

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (insert screaming black cat here)

(I guess you tag someone and then post your 4 fav arts or something)

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It's birthday, and I decided to do one an animation to her Skitty sona like I did with my Sentret sona :>

There will be an art trade with her in the future soon~

(Yes it's coincidence that we both have a normal type pokesona who has a funky tail and a scarf :v)

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:v in case you guys don't know, I love Giratina, I draw them a lot, here are some past drawings of the noodle dragon that I've done

I hope Giratina will have his own Platinum episode or whatever in the remakes :v

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Oh noes, it's a nightmare :v (Also rip Chuck)

Page 22 of Mystic Island:

Page Guidance:

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Throwback thursday time. Did ya know, I used to draw pokemon battle cuts and use Paint .net background effects :v

These were done in 2017, so dynamic! I need to do these again at some point :v

Anyway, we got ninetales, mantine, charizard, breloom, donphan, magnezone...

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and that's when I started to draw on my mouse in Paint .net and using minecraft screenshots ('cause Minecraft was very popular back in 2011)

It's funny, I never played a PMD game until few years later

Anyway, that's my story of how I became an artist. :v (4/4)

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