

they/them. writing @teamliquid. everything is possible & nothing makes sense…

フォロー数:767 フォロワー数:4854

this looks super cool but the important part, i think, is that ana has a six-pack

13 170

panda using his gorilla form or whatever

0 25

four tv shows to get to know me
i believe netflix cancellations target me personally ...

0 5

wish this were me to her

0 1

first game, favorite game, favorite pokémon, favorite trainer

0 12

puller: [on her way to fucking kill me]

me: wow you're tall

puller: um... thanks?

me: how tall are you?

puller: i dunno, like, 6'2", 6'6" with the orbs?

me: [twirling hair] "6'6" with the orbs" omg you are SO funny

63 276

me making fun of people horny for genshin impact characters before and after rting two megaera from hades tweets

0 55