

21 yrs old | use it/itself pronouns to make me happy, but any pronouns are accepted | expert toontown & papa louie gamer | lord farquaad's #1 fan

フォロー数:112 フォロワー数:105

idk if i mentioned that vaultmilf is just my fo4 character (whos still named nora cuz im lazy). anyway post war she goes eurospy mode (alongside nick valentine of course)

0 9

"iT waSN't oN puRpOsE!!!1" ok myron 😒

1 12

been playing classic fallout lately (specifically the second one)

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red or blonde for tha vault milf?

0 2

so... about that dusk oc? how about a goo thing?

2 11

average worthiness fan average treasure hunting

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: "my friend asked me to tell you to make jakob eat spaghetti but hes trying really hard but he cant do it"

here you go, featuring jakob's muppet hands

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