

I draw sometimes. F-Zero Facts wiki admin, low interest nowadays. More active on tumblr (boostp0wer / deezdoodles).

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:341

actually fuck it

i meant to only post this on my personal but ggh i want to get this out of my head

refine later in the year

6 16

So as I stated 5 million times, it's Andy's (Anime Captain Falcon) birthday

but I have no new art

2 9

I Will Refine This Fucking Outfit

3 24

realized my summoner became more purple overtime and i have to revert this

0 4

[doodles my Blood Falcons because I needed to get their differences out somehow]

3 11

once again thinking about all the jack stuff i drew in the past like 5 years

0 1

[draws my Blood Falcon boys as Animal Crossing characters despite never drawing AC stuff because I really want the game]

9 8

maybe i just miss him tho

0 4