

Florent Boston
Concept art/vis dev/background art/ Illustration

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:1952

Here is an old artwork (2019)
It was an exercise given by Jean- Baptiste Hostache and It was an important step for me, I learn the use of lasso tool to make strong shapes (process ⬇️)

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The new Artstation challenge is out so here is a throwback to my second challenge where I also got an honorable mention 🥳 (process below)

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This was my first Artstation Challenge, and I was happy to have an honorable mention 🎉
You will find the 3d blocking and the title below!

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Hello! I'm Florent Boston, I mainly do environment design and I love semi-realistic and cartoon styles :)

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I wanted to imagine Arcane in another region, and I like sea adventures so I choose Bilgewater.
The artwork is based on the amazing work of Liu and

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The wind stone (2020)
This exercise was given by the concept artist

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