

i draw
please don't send me weird things : )
very taken
I take inspiration from a lot of things so dont expect what you see to be consistent

フォロー数:520 フォロワー数:1833

i love kapi i love kapi wow wow wow
kapi awow wow wow

realized i hadnt drawn kapi yet and decided to fix that

49 210

your guy
im bored and your sona is cool
+ ive been wanting to draw em for a good bit
so HERE!

1 17

did a little painting practice of a certain !!!
for no reason in particular pay no attention to the date which falls on febuary 14 .

8 59

i FINALLY finished day 2 .
its late because a certain SOMEONE . was SLEEPING so it took FOREVER .
here's your you and your

3 36

DAY 1 - decided for the first day it'll just be my style, as a good basis for where i start and end up going

5 33

did puro again cuz it seemed like you guys like it and i like him

47 328

did some two snicks for style practices
((which do you guys like more!!

1 18

you've reached the age of power.

happy birth!

3 18