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Episode 11 #sk8spoilers . Re: boards art significance. Hearts on the skateboard back then too... #sk8 ##忠愛 #愛抱夢 #神道愛之介 #菊池忠 --- Then and now. #TadashiKikuchi #AinosukeShindo #sk8Adam
🥲I UPLOADED THE CROPPED VERSION TWICE BY MISTAKE (Tweet edit function whennn). Here with the whole pic all my lighting toil #YuriOnIce #YOI #ユーリonICE #ChristopheGiacometti/ Mystery Man from @thewalrus_said's fic at https://t.co/g4c7A3OGs5. Tumblr post: https://t.co/pkBY5OrFIV
A certain #ChristopheGiacometti/ Mystery Man scene from @thewalrus_said's TMKHTAM aka The Chris fic!
#YuriOnIce #FanArtFriday #YOI #ユーリonICE
Read it here :D: https://t.co/uROR9XfCFC
Art post: https://t.co/pkBY5OrFIV
AO3 art post: https://t.co/vd8mv1rQtM 🇨🇭⛸️🌹❤️💦
The chrysanthemum (KIKUchi), the scales-bones circle closest to the melting/bleeding heart (the Eve, the snake, the making of Eve from Adam's body). The twin swords into a (merged and now bleeding) heart. Mutually made and unmade by (forbidden) love. 'It was taboo' to get close.
This bg flower innermost circle resembles 1) a spine, bent into a circle or 1b) SCALES . Disguised ouroboros? Anyway a snake. As we transition to & fro the other circles it becomes bones-y petals morph/melting into hearts (and viceversa). So: bones and blood and hearts and scales
Adam's board design in the back is another chrysanthemum! Just slightly tweaked from its radiant nested petal circles variant (TL;DR it's based on kimono & trad *KIKU* motifs + mandala. Compare with *rose* windows in churches ) vs the realistic red flower cradling a melting heart
#sk8 SnakEve/Adam Eden #sk8theinfinity #SK8エスケーエイト #sk8fanart #tadashikikuchi #ainosukeshindo (go Tadashi go mah boi! 🙏
for Paradise Lost&Found route!) #忠愛 #愛抱夢 #神道愛之介 #菊池忠 #fanart
Ao3 & tumblr links update https://t.co/c4gIljzJIe
Doumeki preparing for the day and for a special flower delivery. Happy Birthday Aza! 🎉🎉🎂 https://t.co/0ADIpPi2IN
#囀る鳥は羽ばたかない #saezuru #囀る #fanart #gift #TwitteringBirdsNeverFly
Well, it happened. My hand slipped into the #sk8 SnakEve/Adam Eden #sk8theinfinity #SK8エスケーエイト #sk8fanart #tadashikikuchi #ainosukeshindo (go Tadashi go mah boi! 🙏 for Paradise Lost&Found route!) #忠愛 #愛抱夢 #神道愛之介 #菊池忠 #fanart