

I really have nothing to say, but I want to say it just the same

フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:652

Doremi Dokkaan 43: Reika resigned to the cruel fate of normalcy is one of the show’s best jokes

0 4

Doremi Dokkaan 42: Great use of windows and all that only to fall back into her mother's shadow

2 9

Like Pop’s ep, revisiting familiar territory with just enough new info to start taking their futures into their own hands

0 5

Doremi Dokkaan 41: Doremi has long since grown into the big sister role, but Pop’s perspective shows just how long ago that really was

1 6

When even your heroes don’t know what they’re doing, maybe it’ll be ok

3 10

Also, serves as a counterpoint to digital complaints, since it made the "magic" of this ep possible

1 11

Doremi Naisho 13: Hard to believe it actually followed up so well

1 3

Saw it coming a mile away, but still so painful to watch

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