

횬 올수니 9년차 💛인스피릿💛


김희진을 죽도록 사랑하겠다는 피의 연합🤚
🤍💙IBK 알토스💙🤍

フォロー数:235 フォロワー数:39

He sentenced just 3 years and 6 month although he made over 70 teenagers to victims.
Please read and share this.

264 193

You know about Nthroom? Nthroom is a huge sexual exploitation. +260,000 made +74 victims. Victims are usually teenagers and even infants. If you want to help us, delete Telegram. If you can't do that, you can write app review or tag and comment for same reason.

25 24

Are you a bystander?
Provide ALL the nth room user's info. If you not, Telegram is a bystander of offenses against children.

44 49

Nthroom is a huge sexual exploitation. Korean women have been angry, so we try to inform it. However, copycat crimes are increasing. If they don't get imposed a severe punishment this time, we will make another nthroom and victims.Please read and share this.

558 741

He sentenced just 3 years and 6 month although he made over 70 teenagers to victims.
Please read and share this.

299 219