

GOT7 fanart • 인생이 무너져도 아가새 • ❌do not use…

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:3218

🌌 200422 weekly idol

1164 1466

a secret project! none of them have a twitter lmao so mutuals no sharing!
my friends ;;;, they're graduating high school this year! welcome to the jrotc allums, where we just go for free food ❤️🖤❤️🖤

1 22

[fav swords] 🌸 they quietly slack off

19 42


8 17

:') i have the okitagumi's wishing me a happy birthday! 🎉🎂

9 13

river otters have hands 🤔
and weird feet

4 9

🌙🌟 markjae sleepy vlive ✨ 💤

260 285

180323 Gryffindor Youngjae! 🦁❤️☀️

thank you for watching the stream!

186 248