

23 || too embarrassed to call myself a gamer || ''Artist'' ||

フォロー数:1993 フォロワー数:130

Yeah you read that right, FREE.

You can also tag your friends instead of retweeting you just need to share it somehow.

Deadline for requests is: ???, eventually. I'll QRT when the time comes.

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Apparently its
These are some of my best drawings as of late! 😎

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I finally had the motivation to finish this one today.
She ended up a lot taller than she's supposed to be :P

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Thanks for hosting this artshare!

I'm brue and I like to draw anime inspired art. Right now I've done mostly OC art but I do want to draw more fan art in the future. I didn't end up drawing very much this year and I still have a lot to learn, but here are my favourites! :)

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The most recent ones, plus two emotes I made for use on Discord, and my Twitch page if you have FrankerFaceZ. Nothing too special about these.

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Here's another batch of Mintas..... Wait, who's that second one?? OH! It's just her younger sister, Robin! I very quickly redesigned Robin's hair and personality after this because at the time she was far too similar to Minta in my opinion.

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Can you believe it? More Minta drawings, a Yui fanart I'm not really proud of, and a drawing of a character based on a Ganbreeder face. My tablet also broke around this time so I had to draw a few of these with my mouse! That was not fun.

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