

フォロー数:439 フォロワー数:108

Really impressed by the talented for this super cute version of my goldenboi! Was hoping he would finally open his eyes and this wink? is simply genius 😉 Both pictures are included below for the extra blingbling ✨✨✨

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This golden boi I've been eyeing since the start cos I really love gold-themed characters. Much thanks to the fam that was willing to accept my bid! Now to think of the 100000 ways to display him on my profiles everywhere 😉

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Saw this handsome Quack listed at a bargain price and immediately snatched it up. Finally an iconic trait that I've been missing in my collection. Mission accomplished!

12 37

The art is so good it's a joy looking over the collection over and over. Just picked up 2 more beautiful models :D

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