

I took the road less travelled and have miles and and miles to go before I sleep.

フォロー数:35852 フォロワー数:32451

Don't let the tamed ones tell you how to live.

20 77

Shoot us wih cameras, not guns.

39 135

Happy Easter to people of beliefs and faiths or none.

13 47

Happy Spring Equinox everyone.🌞

23 83

We are the cosmos made conscious, and life is the means by which the universe understands itself.

Professor Brian Cox.

28 64

The full moon made me do it.

17 72

She walks in beauty like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies, and all that's best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes; thus mellow'd to that tender light, which heaven to gaudy day denies....Lord Byron.

27 57

She needed a hero, none came so she became one.

41 122

I will catch the moon and bring it down for you.

52 143

Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
C.S. Lewis.

45 111