

Illustrator and animator. I'm a they/them, not a she or he. BUTTHUG.COM or HUTTBUG.COM email: daisyshmorkykay[AT]hotmail[dot]com

フォロー数:104 フォロワー数:10952

A good ol Halloween comic from 2013.

13 76

Just a little dead...

8 71

but they let me keep in this cat in the sandbox gag and that was pretty great

7 71

some stock Mario images, Dic Mario, Kart Fighter Mario, Dian Shi Ma Li Mario, Somari?

44 136

I love to animate girl characters making weird faces. The drawings of the princess scrunching up were fun to do.

54 223

walkin around in a little yoshi suit.

25 120

Those kind of avatars are a great way for your regular audience to identify you in your comics!

2 31

I don't know what this is, but I made it.

11 82