

IG: @bun_taicho
PIXIV: 25920707
YT: @ThePeteriarchy

フォロー数:5794 フォロワー数:180

idk why i still make these

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I always remember this classic when I see people realizing it's fine to do things that make 'em happy.

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I can't believe no one ever thought to consider Marshall Law as the new PogChamp after that whole controversy. Now it's some lame-ass lizard.

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...i can't believe that of all the things that'd take so much time away from me making serious fan art, it's making EN wojaks

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Take that well-deserved break, you absolute CHAMPION.

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on what planet
on what universe
on what timeline
is this shit a good thing?

even folks who somehow still ignored how bad the original was and still like it when they look back on it are shitting on this remaster in the reviews

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