🔥 burning down the house @ ACT 2 🔥さんのプロフィール画像

🔥 burning down the house @ ACT 2 🔥さんのイラストまとめ

Did Homestuck. Updates on Tuesdays. (usually)

Read here: burningdownthehou.se


フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:2492

just posted some new thoughts and feelings about pages 43-110 of this comic to p8reon. it covers things like slight and major changes in character, real life slurpee lore, there's fortnite jonesy. all in all a wonderful read of me talking about my own art

link in the replies!

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wrote a new post about the old art for pages 2-42 along with some commentary + thoughts + feelings + general vibes about this section of the comic. it's up on p8reon, which i will link in the following tweet because twitter is a good service that supports independent artists

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donation comics are open again, by the way. they're literally 400% more expensive ($15 -> $64) because the previous amount was way too little for that much work.

but they are back.


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i dont really do pride icons/edits usually, but this year i'm trying out the more basal indulgences of being gay online.

happy pride y'all.

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(in a voice) hey. want some resources?

here's the beta kid rooms. dave and rose are reconstructed from flash assets, jade's room has some gif compression, but it was the best i could find, and i redrew june's room a while ago since it's surprisingly hard to find as raw pngs.

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