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デブあるある 顔でか編
Are you depressed because of a failed weight loss attempt? I'm sorry to hear that. Now that you've held back on eating, you can feast to your heart's content and cheer yourself up! That's right, from now on, there's no limit to what you can eat!
状態異常:老化+豚化 先に老化魔法をかけられてからの豚化。どちらが先でも末路は同じ豚親父。
状態異常:豚化(+老化) だとこんな感じ? +老化シリーズにするか迷ったけど、髭とか老け顔のバリエーションが全然ないんだよな…
状態異常:豚化 特殊能力も何もないただの豚になるだけ
状態異常:豚化(+老化) 豚化が100%になれば老化は止まる
Be careful not to eat too much and be overweight…! You may be laughed at by the villains as an fat pig!