ava 🌙🔮 marluz marauderさんのプロフィール画像

ava 🌙🔮 marluz marauderさんのイラストまとめ

ava / chara || raeda hag since summer '20 || alt: @beecupbop

フォロー数:281 フォロワー数:1794

i know its just the lighting in this scene but.. raine with brown eyes

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is it so unbelievable that i wanted to keep you safe?

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Frisk & Chara in the Ghost and Molly McGee art style cuz I think it's cute

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// toh spoilers

this parallel made me so emotional like. gus doesnt think highly of himself and hunter is so awkward abt sociability but he learned SO MUCH from gus to the point that gus' relaxation technique helped bring gus back to earth + hunter + the others WAGH

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