

I'm rooting for Boss and Noeul.😍

フォロー数:65 フォロワー数:148

1주년 축하해 사진이 너무 예뻐서 오랜만에 보노보노~
Congratulations on your first anniversary! It's been a while since the pictures were so pretty. Bonoh Bonoh!

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올해는 너희들의 날이였어 상 받은거 너무 축하축하 내년에 드라마 하나만 찍자 ~~제발 😂😍😍
Let's film a drama next year~~please🙏🙏😍

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트윗터 메인 이미지 만들어 봤어요.
I'm rooting for you guys.

If you want to use Twitter's main image task, download it.

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