

NFT artist / Digital Art Curator / History collector / Founding member @cryptoartseoul

フォロー数:1323 フォロワー数:2054

[New creature on Opensea] Dok-heuk-ri
A fox or lynx-like creature; jet black fur coats its body, yet its head remains furless. Its lifespan exceeds thirty centuries and is considered wiser than human beings.

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Finally I got my own !🍺👹🍻

1 16

[Cheo-Yong] is available now on 👇

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[Cheo-Yong] 처용
통일신라 시대의 관리로 동해 용왕의 아들. 처용의 아름다운 아내를 흠모한 역병의 신이 사람으로 몰래 변해 동침하는데, 그 모습을 본 처용은 노래를 부르고 춤을 추었다. 그 아량에 감동한 역신은 처용의 모습이 그려진 그림만 보아도 근처에 얼씬하지 않는다.

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03.12 - 03.26

[Monologue / 독백]
The fight against oblivion is always a lonely one. To be forgotten is to disappear; I won't make it easy, nevertheless.

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New Drop on , Korean fantastic creatures X Korean poem🧜‍♀️

[ The summer before you arrive - Ureong Gaksi (the snail bride) ]

A beautiful, shy maiden who can transform into a snail and hide under the shell whenever necessary.


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[Fondation Drop Party - Ureong Gaksi (the snail bride)]
우렁각시, 보러와주실거죠? 내일 밤, 9시 트위터 스페이스.

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[SOLD OUT] Brother Tiger
호랑이 형님이 지켜줄 가족을 찾았습니다! , 호랑이형님이 온 힘을 다해 여러분을 지켜드릴거에요🐯🌟다시 한번 감사드립니다.

8 43

[ : Brother tiger / 호랑이 형님]
A tiger who mistook a human family of mother and son as his kin and loved like its real family with lots of care and attention.


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[Sold Out - Heuk Ho] 🐯🖤
2022년을 맞아 찾아온 흑호가 모두 주인을 찾았습니다!🐻‍❄️👼😈 흑호의 기운으로 올해는 더욱 기운찬 한해 되실거에요! ✨

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