

Occasionally posts stuff! Creator of Caeora, Art Director @FoundryVTT

フォロー数:1182 フォロワー数:4863

Phew, just finished up another asset pack for battlemap creation, splitting them all now but loving how the food turned out! XD

3 27

I used to use a realistic fire .png to help me create fire when I was making assets.

How does this purely hand-drawn fire look? :)

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How much would you pay this Troll to leave you alone if it emerged from under a bridge in real life? XD

6 38

Create your lush greenhouse or deserted gardens with these pots and plants in various colours and conditions of health. You can purchase this complete pack at the store, or get access to it through the veteran tier on my patreon.

4 13

New vs old token work, I love making these little comparisons, it really shows how much I've learnt over the last few years XD

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A foot-long mosquito creature is pure nightmare fuel, apparently, these Bloodseekers can be scared off with fire.. unless they are swarming in large numbers in which case you are screwed 😱

1 12

Another token from my SRD packs today! One of the first maps I made in Foundry VTT was a beach map with a bunch of crab tokens lying in wait beneath the sands.. They ended up killing them all in the first round of combat though >.>

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So I'm a little scared of the eyes I drew on this Baboon for the 5e SRD... I also remember reading that baboons can run at speeds up to 30mph which is terrifying and something you should definitely incorporate into your games if you run this XD

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The Young Titan Centipede! A monster from the Pathfinder 2e Bestiary (We totally didn't draw this thinking it was a normal centipede and then just rolled with it)

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An Animated Broom for the Pathfinder 2e Bestiary! Always a fun time when you smack a player with a living angry broom during an encounter :P

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