

the Jesus Christ of self-shippers. i like fox girls and cute boys. maybe even fox boys. izuna hatsuse #1 fan. you oughta read world trigger.

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fz fans on the timeline, this is a travesty

0 5

how the fuck does someone physically not love this man to bits

0 5

oh it's fantastic. love the lovecraftian inspiration and isolation themes, and the writing in general is fucking awesome. characters are a bit shallow, but it's an incredibly short vn already so they get the job done and i actually like them quite a bit. plus ryoko is a badass

0 1

daily tamamo 31. had to fix a bit on the lower part (BOOBS!!), i wint lie its probably less finished than it was yesterday but here ya go

5 15

daily tamamo 30. just a wip this time but i like how this is coming out

6 20

helena armpit posting

0 8

no dupes no porn. i am a bonafide simp now

1 21

need more m hakuno recognition on the tl

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