

canis lupus

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Can’t wait for the upcoming chapters!!

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AHAHA Randomly decided to play with the stickers on Twitter since I never use any

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Man, all this on their birthday too, 🤦‍♀️😫 Cain’s reaction is what I’m mostly excited for! He’s definitely going to get extra protective whenever Yahwi is near Jooin now, but of course, kitty stans will call it “his true personality”. But imagine Cain pissed… I’d be scared asf.

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Yahwi Stans gotta be so down to earth to think highly of that kitten. Please, acknowledge the situation and come to our side! Or don’t, go wherever your heart takes you because obviously your brain won’t.

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I find it funny how hypocritical Yahwi is, he tends to fuck up on his words a lot.

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