

no thoughts only retweets

フォロー数:2121 フォロワー数:2049
# artph

Made in Photoshop

Got the chance to revisit the tale of Hachi—The faithful dog who waited for his deceased master for 9 years in Shibuya Station, hoping he'll come home.

"They taught me the meaning of loyalty—that you should never forget anyone that you've loved."

3 21

"trying to do better"
2-hour sketch on photoshop

9 45

"The Antichrist"
Made in Adobe Photoshop

A commissioned painting on the symbolical sea beast of Revelation, which is also identified as the Antichrist: a kingdom/system that Satan would use to paint a distorted picture of God to the entire world.

1 18

anime caleb needs to chill

0 38

breaking the fourth wall lol


0 18


Made in Adobe Photoshop

The lesson that we can learn from Samson's life is no matter how clever, strong, and mighty we think we are, we still need a Savior who would save us from our enemies and even from ourselves.

3 47

Jesus of Nazareth

1 hour sketch on Adobe Photoshop

"All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed... all the kings that ever reigned--put together--have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that one, solitary life"

3 40