

Hello! I'm a Canadian Taiwanese, so please excuse me for any grammatical mistakes

フォロー数:5126 フォロワー数:247

(2/3) lead to some powerful scenes
Seeing Koda, the shy and quiet kid remvoed his amplifier mask and shouted at Deku with his own voice, not as the hero Anima, but the person Koji Koda, that is powerful, so of course BONES changed it
Side characters by defination won't have a lot

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(3/3) weak, even her Ootput Level 100 looked the same as any attack, it's called Nejire "Flood", it shouldn't look this unimpressive
Third, this really annoys me, they changed her feral moment of licking her burn, made her licked the wrong way so it's now a cringy "kawaii" moment

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(2/3) took that way from her, just like how they ruined Nejire's moment in S4, when she held back Rikiya for 20 minutes ALL BY HERSELF, who's Quirk was Nejire's Kryptonite, but the anime just changed it so it's her AND Ryukyu did that together
Second, they made her Quirk looked

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(2/3) But in S6, several scenes characters just looked unharmed, not only undermined how much efforts they put in, but also made them look awkward, like how Dabi was just hugging Shoto, or the infamous Shigaraki scene, which made Deku's 100% Smash looked powerless

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There's a reson why showing character's injuries are important, even to the narrative, because it empathizes the intensity of the fight, and how determined they are for keep fighting despite it (1/3)

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she looks good? not sure about that, I think she looks pretty awful

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I'm just human" goes to show how toxic this society is, as if heroes aren't supposed to be human. Ochako said what the society need to hear the most, they need to stop living in fantasy or deify heroes, but acknowledge they are just humans too, or as the old man said, they (6/9

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heroes are just human, they have feelings and they also need money to live their lives, and the world shouldn't expect unconditional protection from them. Aizawa said something similar to Kurogiri as well
The fact Death Arms' last line before he quited was "I wasn't a hero, (5/9

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