COMMISSIONS OPEN • probably fork lift certifiedさんのプロフィール画像

COMMISSIONS OPEN • probably fork lift certifiedさんのイラストまとめ

jay/bee • they/them||ze/zir • nonbinary • queer • BOOTHILL DO ME PLS • nyo nyo!!!?! (・ัω・ั) • proship and k*eluc mfs perish…

フォロー数:969 フォロワー数:110

meow meow woof woof bark brok woof awoooooooooooo

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i have a lot lot moar swlf insertz bht uhhhh, its usue wit these 2 seperatly 👉👈 theyre major comfortz furr me and so hhshsnnàanhaaj

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hai im bee and i rlly like ferrets and rainbow neon sparkledoggoz uwu

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// yttd chapter 1 spoilers , death

"i love ya sara!!!! :3"

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uh huh anywayz im bee and im a black enby artist whoz commissions r open!! :3 heres some of my art uwu

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hai i draw stuff and my commissions r open and in mah pinned ye qwq heres so art uwu

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