

Character driven comedic indie RPG currently in early development. All fanart is ok as long as you tag me. (Run by @sonyPlaytation)

フォロー数:4 フォロワー数:206

heres the sprite. very cool!

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also theres this one which i wont explain

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eagle eyed followers will have noticed that the sprite on the left is not what i started with tonight, and right you are! This is what I actually got done today. not as drastic but also not as good for getting clout lol. still a good change nonetheless

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updated Kings model, and heres his concept art for reference. He looks so much nicer next to the other bad guys.

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ended up making him furry after all, really like how it came out.

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also im still incredibly proud of the cloak/poncho sprite. cloak over power armor is probably genuinely my favourite trope ever

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Along the way you'll encounter bad guys, good guys, guys who are both, guys who are neither, and guys who are flies.

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Matthew is well.... he's tall.

Upstanding citizen turned muscle for hire, Matthew will take whatever you through at him as long as there's enough [AS OF YET UN-DETERMINED CURRENCY] in it for him.

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dont have a name for this guy yet but hes gonna be part of the team of minor antagonists :)

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