Chuck The Canuckさんのプロフィール画像

Chuck The Canuckさんのイラストまとめ

Some people have retirement savings. All I have is this crappy page.The cupboard is bear.If I don't sell something soon,the wife has threatened to eat the kids.

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# kitsch

It appears that if you are just a mere mortal and follower, if I put you on my "Delusional Wankers" list, you magically disappear. Bye Kevin

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If you follow me & have your account so locked up that I can't even get a little peek, you will be completely ignored. Better things to do.

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Starting up a web page,
I'll be working on it a little bit a time. Should be fun. Lots of other things to do too..

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It's 4:20 in Berlin. Draw the curtains, check for bugs and spark up a bowl or spliff of your favorite herbal blend. Put out relish & the cat

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My cunning plan revealed.
Have you checked my lists lately? Did you just get added to "Delusional Wankers"? Chk&see.

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I'm old. I've been on many lists in my lifetime. But, imagine my surprise when put me on a list and there was no reward offered.

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2)As Twitter insists on informing people when they are added to someone elses lists,I expect an unfollow is imminent.So long &good riddance

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1) This time it's true. It was bound to happen. I just added someone to my lists, "Shitty Spellers", "So Not Seals" and "Delusional Wankers"

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Be forewarned. DM me at your peril. You may be the first people to feel the brunt of my ceaseless marketing barrage of questionable

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Lots of lists. Everyone is on them.Almost everyone is on "Nice Folks".But I put some people on "Delusional Wankers" just to PO them. R it U?

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