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Honoured AF to have one of my favourite artists, and nicest blokes in the industry, @themikenorton write a testimonial for Murky Waters' back cover.
And the awesome @GeekVibesNation have been kind enough to have reviewed every single one of my comics :)
Extremely blessed.
FINALLY pulled my finger out and read this brilliant start to what is no doubt going to be a killer series. No idea how the creators managed to build such a rich and fascinating world in only one issue. Well done @AlexPaknadel, @johnlestudio, @artofroshan, @adityab and team!
Some of my favourite pages from 'Lost River,' my 20 page psychological horror story with @schiekapedia & @RedBirdLetters.
Lost River is the glue that holds the Murky Waters anthology together. Cannot wait to share it!
11 hours left to pledge!
45 hours remaining!
Not only did we smash the second stretch goal this morning, but we've hammered my previous funding and backer records.
The third stretch goal of €6000 will be a mini-print of @tulalotay stunning Murky Waters cover.
Never could have imagined I would publish two comics adorned with the cover art of my favourite artist. Having @tulalotay draw for us has been a dream.
Both books are available from the Murky Waters Kickstarter.
€154 euros until our next stretch goal
@schiekapedia's art in this panel perfectly captures the innocence of youth, which is one of 'Lost River's' key themes.
Our 20 page psychological horror alone is worth backing the Murky Waters anthology Kickstarter.
Brand new sneakpeek from "Lost River," a 20 page psychological horror story drawn and coloured by @schiekapedia and lettered by @RedBirdLetters.
Lost River is the lynchpin of the Murky Waters anthology, currently 99% funded on KS!
Next up is @DonnaABlackArt, who drew a pinup inspired by the story 'Cogito Ergo Sum.' Donna drew the comic The Soul of Sea and has worked on various anthologies.
In addition to Murky Waters, you can also purchase THE RESURRECTED trade from our current Kickstarter campaign:
TR is a Bladerunner-esque story about how far one Aboriginal-Australian detective would go to save his people from almost extinction.
I wrote all stories, @EricaSchultz42 is the editor, @RedBirdLetters the letterer & cover art by @tulalotay. My wife @DaadoucheMeriam co-wrote the story 'House of Cracks.'