🍉 Rox/Carousel 🍉さんのプロフィール画像

🍉 Rox/Carousel 🍉さんのイラストまとめ

Rox. He/They/It. 24. AuDHD. Cosplayer, Artist, and Balloon Clown. Chapter SMP

フォロー数:234 フォロワー数:179

i am now vexing you with homestuck kokichi to fill my "draw a kokichi every Ultra Despair Boys stream" quota

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Here’s a few examples of my work, for those who are curious!

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happy "neil banging out the tunes" day

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y'know what? fuck it *stands here and smiles because i have some wonderful friends*

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youve made me look at homestuck again /j

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so many of my friends are streaming right now and i wanna support all of them but if i try to watch all their streams i will go into sensory overload and shut down. im already feeling stressed because of overlapping streams and i kinda just feel like this nagito sprite rn hhhhhhh

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not my shirts but i was part of the group that created these. they still crack me up

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drew this on my phone. 2 hours were spent on this, but its worth it :) he do a funny power stance

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