Carrie ⭐さんのプロフィール画像

Carrie ⭐さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:690 フォロワー数:350

dropping my babygirl menace here, why not.
his name is Jorell, he's a detective (at least that's the closest you can call him). he posseses power to play along with light/reflection and is, essentially, a flash granate (if he wants you're gonna go blind ☺️)

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co ja mam przepraszam z tego wyciągnąć-

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wyciągnęli mnie na chwilę z letargu rysowniczego na chwilę bless moje dwa mainy

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chuj z kryzysem artystycznym, ragbros content trzeba celebrować
(wcale nie myślę o nich w kółko od rana, o czym wy mówicie)

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doodled them because i miss them dearly

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*slams fists on the table* I JUST STARTED BUT I LOVE YOU SIR

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rysowanie w stylu jojo jest all fun and games until i have to draw realistically looking lips.

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yoimiya my loveliest sparky main

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