Cartoons For Changeさんのプロフィール画像

Cartoons For Changeさんのイラストまとめ

Artists, illustrators, cartoonists, filmmakers, animators and creative professionals committed to help eradicate child labor, end slavery & exploitation.

フォロー数:4748 フォロワー数:1714

La ONU declaró 2021 el Año Internacional para la Eliminación del Trabajo Infantil. La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) estima que el trabajo infantil en México incrementará de 3.3 a 5 millones de niños. ¡Exigimos

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"Prêt-à-porter" nouveau costume à la mode pour Nicolás sur sa passerelle vers la prison. Illustration du grand dessinateur mexicain Antonio cc

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Millions of poor children are exploited as cheap child labor by the coffee, tea & cocoa industries because multinationals & developed nations refuse to share Most journalists overlook this very important issue.

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Anuradha , The best way & can honor the memory of is to STOP EXPLOITING POOR & DEFENSELESS CHILDREN to be able to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa, coffee, etc.

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As confirmed by report Hunger in the Coffeelands of link, for many years there has been a humanitarian crisis in many of the rural communities that produce coffee. proposes that coffee, tea & cocoa industries share

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Par La réalité de l'Europe 72 ans après la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme: l'UE est le plus grand bénéficiaire économique de la misère et du travail des enfants dans le café, le cacao et de nombreux autres produits

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Today, is the 72nd anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rigths and EVERY corporation member of has child labor in its supply chain. Tens of millions of poor children work for them & yet claims is COMMITTED TO IMPROVING THE STATE OF THE WORLD

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On we salute the hundreds of millions of people who volunteer to help others. We also invite volunteers to join our global campaign to help defend the 300 million poor children that work. We look forward to hearing from you!

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