Lolotte | crawling backさんのプロフィール画像

Lolotte | crawling backさんのイラストまとめ

【slopster, 21, autistic】

silly goofster and local squirrel girl

» boyf: @romaine_tic

» PFP: purrfectcellz (tumblr)

フォロー数:1480 フォロワー数:287

for some reason, i see these things as much better representations of me??? despite the fact that they're all fan-stuffs, and most of them aren't supposed to be sonas of any kind

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i see this cretin as 'me' a lot more tbh, but i'd feel weird bringing her back? she's a defunct being (and there are already tons of 'gremlin' artist personas)

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like... C2?? idk why, but i don't really see her as "me". mostly just a character

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god i wanna play danganronpa SO bad. i wanna know about this funny little man. who is he? why does he lie all the time? i must know

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i hate teddie SO MUCH oh my god. i have never wanted to punch a character so bad in my life

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i didnt really enjoy what i watched of uzaki-chan (just diet nagatoro), but this is still my favorite screenshot of any anime ever

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