

illustrator! looking to draw people hugging forever (he/they)

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truly a dream job for a fan of drawing little guys with :•) faces

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hey!! i put some zines up on gumroad- including classics such as “sheik is trans” and my 64-page thesis comic about best friends in love (pics below!). they’re PWYW, but i’ll be donating 100% to Black Trans led orgs & transition funds. big love 💙

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i'm cas! i'm a trans dude currently based in the PNW. I love doing character based for books, editorial, zines, riso, etc! 🤠
insta: @ oleannder

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my graphic novel prof gave us lucky money and i’m only crying a lot

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my target audience is trans ocarina of time stans

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sheik in smash bros ultimate announcement made my day old coffee warm + fresh again

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trans pride!! Ya!!!! 🏳️‍🌈

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